Pick me - pick me yeah
Let a low, long signal
At ease at least, yeah
Everyone is hollow

Pick me - pick me yeah
Everyone is waiting
Pick me - pick me yeah
You can even pay them


Dive (x3)
Dive in me

Dive in me (x3)

Kiss this, kiss that yeah
Let a low, long signal
At ease at least, yeah
You can be my hero

Pick me - pick me yeah
Everyone is waiting
Hit me, hit me yeah
I'm real good at hating


Dive (x3)
Dive in me

Dive in me (x3)

Dive (x3)
Dive in me

Dive in me (x6)


I am my own parasite
I don't need a host to live
We feed off of each other
We can share our endorphins

Doll steak, test meat
Look on the bright side is suicide
Lost eyesight I'm on your side
Angel left wing, right wing, broken wing
Lack of iron and/or sleeping

I own my own pet virus
I get to pet and name her
Her milk is my shit
My shit is her milk

Test meat, doll steak
Look on the bright side is suicide
Lost eyesight I'm on your side
Angel left wing, right wing, broken wing
Lack of iron and/or sleeping



Protector of the kennel
Obituary birthday
Your scent is still here in my place of recovery



Here we stand or here we fall
History won't care at all
Make one bed, light the light
Lady Mercy won't be home tonight

You don't waste no time at all
Don't hear the bell but you answer the call
It comes to you as to us all
We're just waiting
For the hammer to fall

Oh every night and every day
A little piece of you is falling away
But lift your face, the Western Way
Build your muscles as your body decays

Toe your line and play their game
et the anaesthetic cover it all
Till one day they call your name
You know it's time for the hammer to fall

Rich or poor or famous for
Your truth it's all the same
Lock your door but rain is pouring
Through your window pane
Baby now your struggle's all in vain

For we who grew up tall and proud
In the shadow of the mushroom cloud
Convinced our voices can't be heard
We just wanna scream it louder and louder

What the hell we fighting for?
Just surrender and it won't hurt at all
You just got time to say your players
While you are waiting for the hammer to fall



I'd sit alone and watch your light
My only friend trough teenage nights
And everything I had to know
I heard it on my radio

You gave them all these old time stars
Through wars of worlds - invaded by Mars
You made 'em laugh - You made 'em cry
You made us feel that we could fly

So don't become some background noise
A backdrop for the girls and boys
Who just don't know or just don't care
And just complain if you're not there
You had your time, you had the power
You've yet to have your finest hour

All we hear is Radio ga ga
Radio goo goo
Radio ga ga
All we hear is Radio ga ga
Radio blah blah
Radio, what's new?
Radio, someone still loves you!

We watched the shows - we watched the stars
On videos for hours and hours
We hardly need to use our ears
How music changes through the years.

Let's hope you never leave old friend
Like all good things on you we depend
So stick around cos we might miss you
When we grow tired of all this visual
You had your time, you had the power
You've yet to have your finest hour
Radio - Radio.

All we hear is Radio ga ga
Radio goo goo
Radio ga ga
All we hear is Radio ga ga
Radio blah blah
Radio, what's new?
Radio, someone still loves you!


Is is too late to go in peace, I wonder how
how these things did start anyway
Maybe too late to find a way, when the
trail of grief is marked with memories

Now when you're gone, the warmth
of the sun seems so faraway

I believe - in everything I see, every
second is a miracle for me
I believe - after sunshine comes the
rain, and when it's pouring down
the only thing I feel is pain

I walk alone through shapeless dreams
my only home is the wasteland that I cross
I close the door and turn the key
those days of joy are barely memories
Now when you're gone, your star will
shine on, wont you shine for me

I believe- in everything I see, every
second is a miracle for me
I belive- after sunshine comes the
rain, and when it's pouring down
the only thing I feel is pain


Our sun is set, our day is done, I'm left here
Is this the end, my final words to you
Day turned to night and now you're gone, I'm left
here pondering
Can this be true, are we really through

You were the wind beneath my wings, taught me
how to fly
With you I lived among the kings, how could this
ever die

So I say farewell, I'm yours forever,
and I Always Will Be

We were one, we were all, we were the only
Future full of hope, nothing could stand in our
But dreams can change, visions fall, I feel so
I would walk through fire for just one more day

You were the angel of my life, taught me to be
Now I'm a stranger in your eyes, walls are
closing in on me

So I say farewell, I'm yours forever
And I Always Will Be
Missing you, in my heart you are The One
And you Always Will Be

When I turn to the east, I see no dawn,
but after darkness comes the light
And when I turn to the west, the silent night
hides all
Where is the light that shines so bright

So I say farewell, I'm yours forever
And I Always Will Be
Missing you, in my heart you are The One
And you Always Will Be

Nah-nah-na ... and you Always Will Be
Nah-nah-na ... and you Always Will Be
And you Always Will Be
my Little One you are
And you Always Will Be


Love is a razor and I walked the line on that silver blade
Slept in the dust with his daugter, her eyes red with
The slaughter of innocence
But will pray for her.
I will call her name out loud.
I would bleed for her.
If only I could see her now.

Living on a razors edge.
Balancing on a ledge.
Living on a rasors edge.

The evil that men do lives on and on.... } 4 times

Circle of fire my baptism of joy at an end it seems
The seventh lamb slain, the book of life opens before me.
But I will pray for you.
And some day I may return.
I would die for you.
Beyound is where I learn.


Give me the sense to wonder
To wonder if I'm free
Give me a sense of wonder
To know I can be me
Give me the strenght to hold my head up
Spit back in their face
Don't need no key to unlock this door
Gonna break down the walls
Break out of this bad place

Can I play with madness - the prophet started at his crystal ball
Can I play with madness - there's no vision there at all
Can I play with madness - the prophet looked and he laught at me
Can I play with madness - he said you're blind too blind to see

I screamed aloud to the old man
I said don't lie don't say you don't know
I say you'll pay for your mischief
In this world or the next
Oh and then he fixed me with a freesing glance
And the hell fires raged in his eyes
He said do you want to knowthe truth son
- I'll tell you the truth
Your soul's gonna burn in the lake of fire

Chorus 2 times

hello hello hello how low??

ponedjeljak, 16.10.2006.

Sotonizam,sotonisti i nesto o tom idijotizmu...

Postoje različite vrste »sotonizma«. U prvu možemo ubrojiti organizirane pokrete s priznatim vođama, sjedištima i raznim publikacijama. Oni su uobičajeno mali, s malim brojem članova, a mediji ponekad nasjedaju pa o njima pišu kao da ih ima na stotine ili tisuće. Budući da je riječ o malim skupinama, policija ih lako kontrolira pa nisu skloni nekim težim prekršajima.

Sa sotonizmom ne valja miješati spiritizam, magiju, ili neke novopoganske kultove. U ovim slučajevima onaj tko sudjeluje ne namjerava častiti i štovati Demona i stoga - premda je stav Crkve i o tome negativan - ne možemo govoriti o sotonizmu. No, i u tim skupinama nastoje ponekad »dozivati« Đavla, premda se to često događa bezuspješno. Magija je tobožnja sposobnost vladanja prirodnim silama sa zlim namjerama (crna magija) ili dobrim namjerama (bijela magija). Novopoganstvo se protivi kršćanskoj vjeri, a okultizam je nauk ili praksa koja pretpostavlja postojanje snaga ili moći koje su iznad razine znanosti. Spiritizam je prakticiranje zazivanja duhova pokojnih, dok je sotonizam klanjanje i štovanje - svetogrdnim činima - osobi koju se u Bibliji naziva Sotonom ili Demonom.

U drugoj skupini onih koji sebe nazivaju »sotonistima« ima - i »skupina blesavaca«. No, problem ni tu ne valja podcijeniti! To su naime većinom mlađi, gotovo uvijek u nekom kontaktu s drogom, s određenom vrstom glazbe i kojekakvim informacijama koje prikupljaju »sa svih strana«, pa ih ozbiljni autori koji se bave proučavanjem sotonizma ironično nazivaju i »sotonistima sam svoj majstor«. Te skupine nisu organizirane, nemaju svojih publikacija, sjedišta, niti »hijerarhije«. O njima se piše samo kada naprave prekršaje kao što su profanacija (oskvrnjivanje) groblja i crkava ili pak kada ukradu posvećene hostije, zbog čega je razumljiv i oprez svećenika. Na sebe pozornost nastoje ponekad privući i »žrtvovanjem« životinja. Iskustva iz inozemstva - a nama su poznate samo istrage američkoga FBI-a - govore da samo u malome postotku naprave teške prekršaje, zapravo zločine poput ubojstva.

Stručnjaci smatraju da je jedina povezanost između prvih skupina sotonista i onih drugih ta što »članovi« drugih skupina čitaju sotonističke publikacije i »iz njih uče«. U više od trideset godina modernoga sotonizma, ni u jednoj zemlji na svijetu - kako su pokazala istraživanja talijanskoga stručnjaka Massima Introvignea - nije došlo do organiziranih kontakta između te dvije skupine. »Sotonisti sami svoji majstori« zapravo su po definiciji neorganizirani, nisu spremni na poslušnost »velikim starcima«, niti drugima u sotonističkim skupinama, koji su na »višoj razini«. Samo postojanje tih grupa sociolozi često pripisuju mladenačkim hirovima i problemima u odrastanju koji se ponekad očituju kao politički ekstremizam, problemi s drogama, sotonizam - a nekada kao svi zajedno. Klasični i organizirani sotonizam koji se protivi kršćanskoj vjeri i Božjim zapovijedima ujedno predstavlja problem svakoj državi jer je opasan i nezakonit fenomen i njegova represija, kako god teškom izgledala, nije samo zakonita već i poželjna. Općenito gledano, sotonizam je dijelom vrlo složenoga problema koji je povezan s krizom vrijednosti i u borbi protiv njega neće biti dovoljno samo kažnjavanje, već se u iskorjenjivanje toga problema moraju uključiti i odgojne, kulturne i vjerske ustanove.

ovo mi je zanimljiv clanak,pa san ga objavila. e. dosadno mi je,iden leč. svi se osjecajte kisssnuto, nek posebno. e. wavemahkissludwave
stay away:)

- 00:52 - RiGaJ (0) - DaJ mEnI pRinTeR - #

petak, 02.06.2006.

grunge, I love you so much it makes me sick

hello..vi svi jako brojni ljudovi koji citate ovaj jako popularan blogrofl
U zadnje vrijeme(od jucersmijeh) mi se strasno pise o grungeu olitiga granČČČu. Bas sam jucer napisala predivan post na blogu granČČČemanija:)). Taj post je najbolji post made by my(ako san ovo tocno napisala). Ugl. da skratimo prcu, meni se pise o grungeu i tocka. dakle,da poššššnemocool
Znaci, grunge je predivna glazba. E,da napomenen,Dropa ljubavi,ti neces vidit ovaj postwink. Grunge,zvan i seattle sound,je vrsta alternativog rocka inspirirana indie rockom, hajevi metajlom i hardkor punkom. Postao je veri popular krajen 80ih i pocetkon 90ih. Za to je velikim dijelom kriva Nirvanacerek. Najpopulraniji je bia od 90te do 94te, kad je moja dushica Kurt ubijen.
Sto zapravo znaci grunge? Grunge rječnik definira kao riječ iz američkog slanga, nepoznate etimologije, koja označava "nešto loše, inferiorno i ružno". I rijech punk ima veri slicno znacenje,ali grunge i pank definitivno nisu isto. Ipak, grubo govoreci, grunge bi se moga prozvat spojen pank i hipi pokreta(bljaksmijeh). NO,grunge je nekakva sinteza buntovništva i konformizma, predznak sinkretične prirode našeg vremena, mješavina svih mogućih sastojaka od kojih mnogi - čini se - ne idu zajedno, no nose zajednički nazivnik forever young, zbroj različitih miroljubivih i neodgovornih formi ponašanja koje mirišu na duh mladosti. JEEJwink.
Grunge obiljezavaju gitars on distorzija, jaki riffovi(slts) i textovi. Da, meni osobno drazi dio grungea su ti dubokoumni textovi na granici pesimizma i idealizma(ali,nazalost,cesto se dogodi da ih ne kuzin,jer san preglupa..hihismijeh). Textovi su im puni bijesa, frustracija, tuge, straha i depresije... Ali,npr. nirvanina in bloom(prezakon pismacerek) je primjer grungerskog humoristicnog, sarkasticnog texta(moj najdrazi stih-Nature is a whore:))
Grunge glazba sadrži melodičku osjećajnost Beatlesa kao i brutalnost hard rock glazbenih sastava kao na primjer Black Sabbath. Grunge glazbenici bili su antimaterijalističkog pogleda na svijet.
Psiholoski izgled tih predivnih stvorenj- grungera: Želja za beskonačnim odlaganjem takozvanog socijaliziranja, ljubavni problemi, ironija i oportunizam, svakovrsna pop-kulturna ovisnost (svakodnevno buljenje u TV, komentarisanje sporta bez primisli o aktivnom participiranju, igranje video-igrica …)
Socioloski gledano grunger: Tipicni grunger potjece iz urbanog okruzja. Obitelj srednje klase. Cesto jedino dijete. Po obrazovanju je vjeciti studentsmijehparty.
A oni izvana izgledaju lajk tis: duga prljava kosa, istrpana karirana košulja, marte ili starke, u jednoj ruci piva, u drugoj cigara. Odjeća je bila post- apokaliptična, kratki rukavi preko dugih, kratke hlače preko dugih, odjeća koja je nabacivana jedna preko druge u slojevima, pritom ne vodeći se za tim da se stilovi, boje ili modeli slažu. Ako vec nisu nosili kariranu kosulju,medu njima zvanu -grungerica,obavezno su je imali vezanu oko struka. Podržavali su svoje omiljene bendove noseći prevelike koncertne majice svojih idola.... savrsenocerekcerekkiss.....A ovo me podosta podsjeca na mene....partysmijehsmokin
Tipični grunge filmovi su: Singles, Beautiful Girls, Reality Bites, 200 Cigarettes, Before Sunrise, a i kultna serija Prijatelji je ponešto ispeglani, no ipak tipični grunge proizvod. (e,to nista nisan pogleala....nonono)
Grunge je kombinirao povratak prirodi i slobodno ponašanje s agresijom punkmakera. Kao bljesak ta dva, uvjetno rečeno, ekstrema, grunge je nastojao prodrijeti do ljudi koji ga razumiju. Grunge grupe nisu željele slavu, samo su željele izraziti što osjećaju. Nirvanin lider Kurt Cobain i lider Pearl Jama Eddie Vedder postali su glasnogovornici te generacije X, donoseći smisao zbunjenoj djeci srednjeg sloja.
Grungeri su se vratili stvarima koje su doista imale smisla - sebi samima. Njihovi su roditelji radili dva posla, žrtvovali svoje vrijeme i pažnju utrci za materijalnim, ali grunge je bio tu, predstavljajući generaciju X, koja je trebala reći roditeljima da to ne ide tako. Željeli su ljubav, ne igračke, a s obzirom da je nisu dobili, nisu htjeli nastaviti stopama svojih otuđenih roditelja.
grunge bendovi iz seattlea
Alice in Chains
Green River
Love Battery
Mad Season
Mono Men
Mother Love Bone
Pearl Jam
Screaming Trees
Skin Yard
Temple of the Dog
grunge bendovi izvan seatllea
The Fluid (Denver, CO)
Hole (Los Angeles, CA)
L7 (Los Angeles, CA)
The Nymphs (Los Angeles, CA)
Stone Temple Pilots (San Diego, CA)
sta jos reci o granČČČČČČČČČu.......e,da... nisan rekla grungeri=generacija Xcerekcerek
i zahvaljujen savrsenom blogu koji za mene ima najbolji clanak o grungeu ikad....cerekkiss....e,i ajte na taj blog i recite kretenu koji ga (ne)pise da pothitno pocne nesto pisat jer mu je blog zakon....yeswink
hehehe...ljudi...nemogu odolityes.....a sad.....malo........... liriksa:)))

Bury Me Softly In This Womb
I Give This Part Of Me For You
Sand Rains Down And Here I Sit
Holding Rare Flowers
In A Tomb.....In Bloom

Down In A Hole And I Don't Know
If I Can Be Saved
See My Heart I Decorate It
Like A Grave
You Don't Understand Who They
Thought I Was Supposed To Be
Look At Me Now A Man
Who Won't Let Himself Be

Down In A Hole, Losin' My Soul
Down In A Hole, Losin' Control
I'd Like To Fly
But My Wings Have Been So Denied

Down In A Hole And They've Put All
The Stones In Their Place
I've Eaten The Sun So My Tongue
Has Been Burned Of The Taste
I Have Been Guilty
Of Kicking Myself In The Teeth
I Will Speak No More
Of My Feelings Beneath

Oh I Want To Be Inside Of You

Down In A Hole, Losin' My Soul
Down In A Hole, Feelin' So SmalL
Down In A Hole, Losin' My Soul
Down In A Hole, Out Of Control

I'd Like To Fly
But My Wings Have Been So Denied

Rearviewmirror-pearl jam...kisskisscerekcerek

i took a drive today
time to emancipate
i guess it was the beatings made me wise
but i'm not about to give thanks, or apologize
i couldn't breathe, holdin' me down
hand on my face, pushed to the ground
enmity gauged, united by fear
forced to endure what i could not forgive...
i seem to look away
wounds in the mirror waved
it wasn't my surface most defiled
head at your feet, fool to your crown
fist on my plate, swallowed it down
enmity gauged, united by fear
tried to endure what i could not forgive
saw things
saw things
saw things
saw things
once you, were in my...
rearview mirror...
i gather speed from you fucking with me
once and for all i'm far away
i hardly believe, finally the shades...are raised...
saw things so much clearer
once you, once you...
saw things so much clearer
once you, once you...

In Bloom-nirvana,ovo san stavila zbog dijela texta di pise o grunge liriksimathumbupcerekcerekkiss

Sell the kids for food
Weather changes moods
Spring is here again
Reproductive glands

And he's the one who likes
All our pretty songs and he
Likes to sing along and he
Likes to shoot his gun but he
Don't know what it means
He don't know what it means (2x)
And I say aahh
We can have some more
Nature is a whore
Bruises on the fruit
Tender age in bloom


I,da zakljucimo temu grunge jenda predivna slikica......isjecak sa kurtove majicecerek

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eto vannjami
kad glkupi dropa nikako da napise post.....dok on ne napise post,ja cu van pisat postove ovako bzvz,o nekin temama...bendovi i tako neke,meni zanimljive stvari....

e da..........i ajte na ovaj blog i ubacite komentpartyroflkisscereksmijehmouthwashnaughtynut
mislin da bi to bilo to za danas:)))
kisan vas sve u dupe,bili ne bili grungeri(a grunerima lizzen dupecerek)

- 17:51 - RiGaJ (13) - DaJ mEnI pRinTeR - #

srijeda, 03.05.2006.

jeben ti dropuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

evo.......dropi je crka kompic.......pa cu ja sad ka malo pisat blog........u kurac,dosta mi je i moga glupoga bloga kojeg niko ziv ne cita,sad jos moran ovo sranje pisat.....grrrrrrheadbang
al eto........sta se mora mora se........ou jea.......nono.....aj da vas ne pilan previse,ubacin van liriksiche od moje trenutno preeeeeeeeeezakon pisme.....fak! morat cu se odviknit od stavljanja liriksa,pogotovo te pisme....:)))

Jebo te bog----pasiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiikiss

Budim se, jutro je, odljepljujem svoje okice,
znajuci da je dan kada bog umire - predivan!
Vani je oblacno, prohladno i odlicno,
danas je baš spremno sve - danas bajka umire!

Došo sam kuci pijan ko kanta - razbio auto i srušio vrata,
za rucak se fino izbljuvo po stolu, starom pokazao guzicu golu,
vlastitu majku lupio šakom, šutnuo macku i jebo se s bakom!
Vlastitu majku razvalio sakom i predobro ševio se s bakom!

Jebo te bog! Bio sam loš!
Dva ocenaša pa mogu još!

Zašto da budem dobar i pošten kad bi mi bog oprostio sve?
Svakoga dana sjedim i placem žaleci sve te instant-vjernike.
Dok vjeruju mahom u gluposti, u 21. vjeku on ne postoji!
Umro je od teške bolesti koju ste kršcanstvom nazvali.

Jebo te bog! Bio sam loš!
Dva ocenaša pa mogu još!

Sutra cemo srediti stvar uz nedjeljni rucak - božiji dar!
Jebo te bog, bio sam loš! Dva ocenasa pa mogu jos!cerek

jebiga morala san.....eo jos jedna slikicacerek........pa iden ca glupog brata odvest na treningludblabla

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ĐUBRIVO JE ZAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cerekthumbupsmokinyessmijeh

aj iden ca.....dite ce zakasnit na trening.......namcor..........mahwavemahwaveludmahwave

- 17:29 - RiGaJ (5) - DaJ mEnI pRinTeR - #

nedjelja, 23.04.2006.


ohoooooooooooooooooooooooo,evo nas prvi post....sad bi triala ispast neka čru metalka,jel??? e,pa ja nisan metalka,niti je dropa metalac(on je pozer....lol...kako ce me ubit radi ovoga....hihiroflyesblablazujo a sta cu ja,kad se zajebajen......hihi,jebemu ovi blog mi je bolji od moga(koji nije???)
ljudi ovo je pocetak superzabavnog bloga...ou jea....al ja kao suvlasnica nisan danas bbas najbolje raspolozena pa nista zabavno ne ocekujte....uostalon bassh me briga,nije (samo) moj blogsmijeh.........ajme ljudi ja obozavan ove smajlice na blogovima..... hihihihihi....lol.....smokinroflyesblablacerekwavepartysmijehdeadsmokin....i tako......... hihihihi...aj na ovome mi se blogu bar vide slova,kad vec na mome ne valjaju.....al tako mi je predivna pozadina.......hihi

- 03:18 - RiGaJ (7) - DaJ mEnI pRinTeR - #

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Opis bloga
ovaj blog pripada dvoje najbolesnijih ljudova na svitu.......lol.... ma ka blog mi je od naj prike,drope,al on je lin to sam pisat pa je i moj. hihi...a citajte i uzivajte(kasljuc....) kissa
vlasnik/ci bloga....hmhmhm
pravi vlasnik bloga koji je lijen pisati ovi blog sam.... kad je glup...hihi.... ide u skolu,najljepsi je na svijetu i broj moba mu je:098208698.....cure zovite....hihihihihihi...... slusa queen i maidene i metlicu....čru.... naj prijatelji ja i dujko....ou jea.... eto to van je to,AHAAA,JEDNA VAZNA VEOMA VAZNA CINJENICA(bar meni:))DROPA JE RODEN 16.05. KAO I KRIST NOVOSELIĆ,BASIST NAJBOLJEG BENDA IKAD....eto sad san svrsila sa njin......ludbangblabla
NINA....big fejs....:
nina je najveca glupaca na svitu....ruzna san i glupa i gadin se sama sebi i nisan čru nimalo...slusan najbolji bend ikad(naravno znamo da se radi o nirvani)i granČČČ i ka malo metal....iman 5 starki,i 19 majica na nirvanu......joj,kako se time ponosim....hehehe.... lija san.......lol....i time se isto ponosin.........hihi.izlazin na dom,jer je tamo najbolje..............hihi...aj kissa,znan da san jadna....hihiheadbangludroflsmokindead

Mudhoney The Money Will Roll Right In kissthumbup
I’m going to hollywood
They’ll see that I’m so good
I won’t care how I feel
And I’ll get to fuck brooke shields

I’ll just sit and grin
The money will roll right in

I would give you some
If you only would have treated my nice
You’ll wish that you did
You’ll feel pretty stupid

I’ll just sit and grin
The money will roll right in

I’ll just sit and grin
The money will roll right in

It’s fun to be a star
It’s nice to have a car
Yeah, you’ll have to admit
That I’ll be rich as shit

I’ll just sit and grin
The money will roll right in

The money will roll right in

Lyrics by: Longeethumbuproflnjamiyeskiss
Music by: Venky
Arr. by: Sedefi


Kraj već miriše u zraku,
ja još vidim te u mraku,
to je kraj...

Ti, zar me više ne voliš,
pa od mene odlaziš,
Bože snage mi daj...

Vrati se, slomila si srce moje,
vrati se, jutra više ne postoje,
vrati se, vidiš da volim te ja...

Ako odeš...
Javi se, ne daj da te drugi voli,
javi se, gledaj kako srce moli
i tuguje jer zna da je kraj.

Daj, da još jednom osjetim,
da te strasno poljubim,
da vidim tvoj sjaj...

A ti, ti me više ne voliš,
pa od mene odlaziš,
Bože snage mi daj...

Vrati se, slomila si srce moje,
vrati se, jutra više ne postoje,
vrati se, vidiš da volim te ja...

Ako odeš...
Javi se, ne daj da te drugi voli,
javi se, gledaj kako srce moli
i tuguje jer zna da je kraj.

Music by: longee & Venky
Lyrics by: longee
Arr by: Sedefi

Krenuli smo ja i Venky u Peru na gažu,
napravili bijesnu 'armoničku solažu.
Plakate čitala je sva radnička klasa;
stižu Sedef-muzičari od svjetskoga glasa.

Gledam lijevo, gledam desno, sami indijanci...
Kakva čudna zemlja, pa gdje su tu Bosanci?
Tko li će na 'armoniku zalijepiti stotku?
Izgleda smo ovog puta posisali motku

Popit ćemo, Venky, rakiju i pivo,
svirat ćemo, je*e nam se živo...

Sedefi su išli svirat' u Peru, u Ande,
po šumama trče ljame, u zoološkom pande
seljaci ne drže stoku, uzgajaju koku,
a po ulicama rokaju se bande.

Ovdje indijanci vole dobre narodnjake,
na koncertu pjevali su pijani k'o majke.
Naša pjesma, naša svirka, digla bi mrtvace,
Sedef-Venky, Sedef-longee najjače su face.

Krenula je vel'ka fešta, i samo da znate,
vade indijanci zlato, dijamante.
Na stolove i šankove podigla se raja,
cajka-bandu "Sedefima" stvarno nema kraja.

Svirali smo i "Mirjanu", svidjelo se raji,
na razglasnim kutijama "SPIDER" logo sjaji
Sedefe su osvijetlili reflektori noću,
publika je htjela kupit' potpisanu ploču.

Kupit ćemo Mercedes, kuću sa bazenom
što će nama NATO i EU.
A u kuhinjici naše nove kuće
srebren šporet za Deu

Sedefi su išli svirat' u Peru, u Ande,
po šumama trče ljame, u zoološkom pande
seljaci ne drže stoku, uzgajaju koku,
a po ulicama rokaju se bande.

Ovdje indijanci vole dobre narodnjake,
na koncertu pjevali su pijani k'o majke.
Naša pjesma, naša svirka, digla bi mrtvace,
Sedef-Venky, Sedef-longee najjače su face.

BETTER MAN-PJcerekcerekcerekcerek

Waitin, watchin the clock, its four oclock, its got to stop
Tell him, take no more, she practices her speech
As he opens the door, she rolls over...
Pretends to sleep as he looks her over
She lies and says shes in love with him, cant find a better man...
She dreams in color, she dreams in red, cant find a better man...
Cant find a better man (2x)

Talkin to herself, theres no one else who needs to know...
She tells herself, oh...
Memories back when she was bold and strong
And waiting for the world to come along...
Swears she knew it, now she swears hes gone
She lies and says shes in love with him, cant find a better man...
She dreams in color, she dreams in red, cant find a better man...
She lies and says she still loves him, cant find a better man...
She dreams in color, she dreams in red, cant find a better man...
Cant find a better man (2x)

She loved him, yeah...she dont want to leave this way
She feeds him, yeah...thats why shell be back again
Cant find a better man (3x)
Cant find a better...man...
Uh huh... (5x)

Footsteps-pearl jam

Don't even think about reachin' me
I won't be home
Don't even think about stoppin' by
Don't think of me at all
I did, what I had to do
If there was a reason, it was you...

Don't even think about gettin' inside
Voices in my head, voices
I got scratches, all over my arms
One for each day, since I fell apart
I did, what I had to do
If there was a reason, it was you...

Footsteps in the hall, it was you, you
Pictures on my chest, it was you
It was you...

I did, what I had to do
And if there was a reason
Oh, there wasn't no reason, no
And if, there's something you'd like to do
Just let me continue, to blame you

Footsteps in the hall, it was you, you
Pictures on my chest, it was you, you

Hail, hail

Ah, is there room for both of us
Both of us apart
Are we bound out of obligation
Is that all we've got?

I get the words and then I get to thinkin'
I don't wanna think, I wanna feel
How do I feel?
How do I?

If you're the only one will I never be enough, yeah
Hail, Hail the lucky ones
I refer to those in love, yeah

Oh, how I'd love ya till the day I die... and beyond
Are we goin' to the same place?
If so can I come?
It's egg rollin' , thick and heavy
All, the past we carry
Oh, I could be new
You under-estimate me

If you're the only one will I never be enough, yeah
Hail, Hail the lucky ones
I refer to those in love, yeah

I sometimes realize...I could only be as good as you'll let me
Are you woman enough to be my man?
Bandaged hand in hand.

Black lining,
On the run, in a race that can't be won, yeah

Oh, Hail, Hail the lucky ones
I refer to those in love, yeah

If you're my only one
So good, you, only one
I want to be your one
Enough, you won, your one, your one


Don't it make you smile? (2x)
When the sun don't shine it don't shine at all...
Don't it make you smile?
Don't it make you smile?
Don't it make me smile? Yeah...
When the sun don't shine it don't shine at all...yeah...
Don't it make me smile?
I miss you already yeah...I miss you always...
I miss you already yeah...I miss you all day...
This is how I feel...
I...I miss you already yeah...I miss you always...
The crooked heart swells all around, yeah...I miss you all day...
The crooked heart swells around, yeah...
Don't it make you smile? (2x)
The crooked heart swells around...

Cinderella's Big Score Lyrics
Artist: Sonic Youth
Album: Goo

if I could give you anything
I would give you a kick
you'd rather have a dollar
than a hug from your sis

you really fucked up this time
your old lady's really pissed
she's not just laughing
she's polishing her fist

if you could give me anything
would you consider a fist?
don't give me yr soul
it's caught is an abyss

here's a pack of ciggies
fresh from the wonder lips
a dream, a wish, a heart's desires
cinderella is a kiss

a cold is gonna take you
and freeze away your tears
ome a little closer honey
you can be so near

mind your heart aside you (?)
really got no sense of time (?)
ninety-nine inside you (?)
that I'm scared if you were cryin'

if I could give you anything
I would give you a kick
you'd rather have a dollar
than a hug from your sis

a cold is gonna take you
and freeze away your tears
come a little closer honey
we can be so near

Angry chair
Album: Dirt, Unplugged

Sitting on an angry chair
Angry walls that steal the air
Stomach hurts and I don't care

What do I see across the way
See myself molded in clay
Stares at me, yeah I'm afraid
Changing the shape of his face

Candles red I have a pair
Shadows dancing everywhere
burning on the angry chair

Little boy made a mistake
Pink cloud has now turned to gray
All that I want is to play
Get on your knees, time to pray, boy

I don't mind, yeah
I don't mind,
I don't mind, yeah,
I don't mind,
Lost my mind, yeah
But I don't mind,
Can't find it anywhere
I don't mind

Corporate prison, we stay
I'm a dull boy, work all day
So I'm strung out anyway

Loneliness is not a phase
Field of pain is where I graze
Serenity is far away

Saw my reflection and cried
So little hope that I died
Feed me your lies, open wide
Weight of my heart, not the size

I don't mind, yeah
I don't mind,
I don't mind, yeah,
I don't mind,
Lost my mind, yeah
But I don't mind,
Can't find it anywhere
I don't mind

Pink cloud has now turned to gray
All that I want is to play
Get on your knees time to pray, boy

Man in the box
Album: Facelift

I'm the man in the box
Buried in my shit
Won't you come and save me, save me

Feed my eyes, can you sew them shut?
Jesus Christ, deny your maker
He who tries, will be wasted
Feed my eyes now you've sewn them shut

I'm the dog who gets beat
Shove my nose in shit
Won't you come and save me, save me

Feed my eyes, can you sew them shut?
Jesus Christ, deny your maker
He who tries, will be wasted
Feed my eyes now you've sewn them shut

Feed my eyes, can you sew them shut?
Jesus Christ, deny your maker
He who tries, will be wasted
Feed my eyes now you've sewn them shut

Sea of sorrow
Album: Facelift

Mind of destructive taste
I choose... to stroll amongst the waste that was your heart
Lost in the dark
Call off the chase

Walls of thought, strong and high
As my castle crumbles with time... I think of you
Oh, yes I do
Such a crime

You opened fire... and your mark was true
You opened fire... aim my smilin' skull at you
You opened fire...

I live tomorrow
You I'll not follow
As you wallow
In a sea of sorrow

Lines cut across my face
Why you laugh at my disgrace, I'll never know
How far to go
To reach that place

You opened fire... and your mark was true
You opened fire... aim my smilin' skull at you
You opened fire...

I live tomorrow
You I'll not follow
As you wallow
In a sea of sorrow

You opened fire... and your mark was true
You opened fire... aim my smilin' skull at you
You opened fire...

I live tomorrow
You I'll not follow
As you wallow
In a sea of sorrow...

Heaven beside you
Album: Alice In Chains, Unplugged

Be what you wanna be
See what you came to see
Been what you wanna be
I don't like what I see

Like the coldest winter chill
Heaven beside you ...Hell within
Like the coldest winter chill
Heaven beside you ...Hell within
Like the coldest winter will
Heaven beside you ...Hell within
And you think you have it still, heaven inside you

So there's problems in your life
That's fucked up
And I'm not blind
I'm just see-through faded,
Super jaded,
And out of my mind

Do what you wanna do
Go out and seek your truth
When I'm down and blue
Rather be me than you

Like the coldest winter chill
Heaven beside you ...Hell within
Like the coldest winter chill
Heaven beside you ...Hell within
Like the coldest winter will
Heaven beside you ...Hell within
And you wish you had it still, heaven inside you

So there's problems in your life
That's fucked up
I'm not blind
I'm just see-through faded,
Super jaded,
And out of your mind

Like the coldest winter chill
Heaven beside you ...Hell within
Like the coldest winter chill
Heaven beside you ...Hell within
Like the coldest winter will
Heaven beside you ...Hell within
And you know you have it still, heaven inside you

So there's problems in your life
That's fucked up
But you're not blind
You're just see-through faded,
And out of your mind

New Radio Lyrics
I'm the little girl at the picnic
who wont stop pulling her dress up
it doesnt matter whos in control
it doesnt matter cuz this is NEW RADIO!!!

So what the fuck
is written
all over your pretty face

the gaps in teeth
the dirty nails
baby boy you can't kill whats fucking real
turn that song down
turn the static up
let kiss you like a boy does!!!

owoo wooh owooh wooo
woo oo ooo
yah yah yeah ..........

Lets wipe our cum on my parents bed

Creep - radiohead

When you were here before,
Couldn't look you in the eyes
You're just like an angel,
your skin makes me cry

You float like a feather
In a beautiful world
I wish I was special
You're so very' special

But I'm a creep,
I'm a weirdo
What the hell am I doin' here?
I don't belong here

I don't care if it hurts,
I wanna have control
I want a perfect body
I want a perfect soul

I want you to notice
when I'm not around
You're so very'special
I wish I was special

But I'm a creep
I'm a weirdo
What the hell am I doin' here?
I don't belong here, ohhhh, ohhhh

She's running out the door ...
She's running out
she's run, run, run, run...

Whatever makes you happy
Whatever you want
You're so very special
I wish I was special

But I'm a creep,
I'm a weirdo
What the hell am I doin' here?
I don't belong here

I don't belong here...

14. Nymphetamine (Fix)-COFcerek

[Bonus track]

Lead to the river
Midsummer, I waved
A 'V' of black swans
On with hope to the grave
All through Red September
With skies fire-paved
I begged you appear
Like a thorn for the holy ones

Cold was my soul
Untold was the pain
I faced when you left me
A rose in the rain
So I swore to the razor
That never, enchained
Would your dark nails of faith
Be pushed through my veins again

Bared on your tomb
I am a prayer for your loneliness
And would you ever soon
Come above unto me?
For once upon a time
From the binds of your lowliness
I could always find
The right slot for your sacred key

Six feet deep is the incision
In my heart, that barless prison
Discolours all with tunnel vision
Sick and weak from my condition
This lust, a vampyric addiction
To her alone in full submission
None better

Nymphetamine, nymphetamine
Nymphetamine girl
Nymphetamine, nymphetamine
My nymphetamine girl

Wracked with your charm
I am circled like prey
Back in the forest
Where whispers persuade
More sugar trails
More white lady laid
Than pillars of salt
(Keeping Sodom at night at bay)

Fold to my arms
Hold their mesmeric sway
And dance out to the moon
As we did in those golden days

Christening stars
I remember the way
We were needle and spoon
Mislaid in the burning hay

Bared on your tomb
I am a prayer for your loneliness
And would you ever soon
Come above unto me?
For once upon a time
From the binds of your holiness
I could always find
The right slot for your sacred key

Six feet deep is the incision
In my heart, that barless prison
Discolours all with tunnel vision
Sick and weak from my condition
This lust, a vampyric addiction
To her alone in full submission
None better

None better

Nymphetamine, nymphetamine
Nymphetamine girl
Nymphetamine, nymphetamine
My nymphetamine girl

voljeni moj…
nemoj se bojati,nemoj se micati,ostani u tišini,nitko nas neće vidjeti…ostani tako,želim te promatrati,toliko sam te promatrala,no ti nisi bio za mene,ali sada jesi,nemoj se približavati,molim te,ostani na mjestu,čitava je noć pred nama,a ja te želim gledati,nikada te nisam vidjela takva,čitavo tvoje tijelo samo za mene,tvoja koža,sklopi oči i miluj se,molim te,pokušaj ne otvarati oči i miluj se,tvoje su ruke tako lijepe,tako sam ih često sanjala,a sada ih želim vidjeti,volim ih vidjeti na tvojoj koži,tako,nastavi,molim te,ne otvaraj oči,ja sam tu,nitko nas ne može vidjeti,a ja sam blizu tebe,miluj se,voljeni moj,
miluj svoj ud,molim te,polako,lijepa je ruka na tvom udu,nemoj prestati,volim je gledati i gledati tebe,voljeni moj,ne otvaraj oči,ne još,i nemoj se bojati,ja sam blizu,osjećaš li?ovdje sam,mogu te dotaknuti,svila je to,osjećaš li?svila moje haljine,ne otvaraj oči i imat ćeš moju kožu,imat ćeš moje usne,kad te prvi put dotaknem ,bit će to usnama,nećeš znati gdje,odjednom ćeš na sebi osjetiti toplinu mojih usana,ne možeš znati gdje ne otvoriš li oči,nemoj ih otvoriti,osjetit ćeš moja usta tamo gdje ne znaš,iznenada,možda na očima,prislonit ću usta na tvoje vjeđe i trepavice,osjetit ćeš kako ti toplina prodire u glavu,i moje usne na očima,u očima,ili možda na udu,prislonit ću svoja usta tamo dolje,rastvorit ću ih spuštajući se malo-pomalo,pustit ću da mi tvoj ud rastvori usta ulazeći među usne i gurajući mi jezik,moja će slina kliziti tvojom kožom sve do tvoje ruke,moj poljubac i tvoja ruka,jedan u drugoj,na tvom udu,a na kraju ću te poljubiti u srce,jer te želim,ugrist ću kožu pod kojom ti srce lupa,jer te želim,i sa srcem među mojim usnama bit ćeš moj,uistinu moj,s mojim ustima na srcu bit ćeš moj,zauvijek,ako mi ne vjeruješ,otvori oči,voljeni moj i pogledaj me,to sam ja,tko će ikada moći izbrisati ovaj trenutak,i ovo moje tijelo s kojeg je spala svila,tvoje ruke što ga dodiruju,i tvoje oči što ga promatraju,tvoj jezik na mojim usnama,kliziš poda me,grabiš mi bokove,podižeš me,puštaš me da klizim po tvom udu,polako,tko bi to mogao izbrisati,ti što se u meni lagano gibaš,s rukama na mom licu,s prstima u mojim ustima,s ugodom u očima,tvoj glas,gibaš se polako gotovo mi nanoseći bol,kakvo zadovoljstvo,moj glas,
moje tijelo na tvojemu,tvoja leđa što me propinju,tvoje ruke što me ne puštaju,udarci u meni,slatka je to silovitost,vidim ti oči gdje traže u mojima,žele znati koliko mi boli mogu nanijeti,dokle god želiš,voljeni moj,nema kraja,neće prestati,vidiš li?nitko neće moći izbrisati ovaj trenutak,zauvijek ćeš zabacivati glavu unatrag,vičući,zauvijek ću sklapati oči dok se suze odvajaju sa trepavica,moj glas u tvojemu,čvrsto me pripijaš,nema više vremena za bijeg ni snage da se izdrži,morao je doći ovaj trenutak,i došao je,vjeruj mi voljeni moj,ovaj trenutak će ostati,od sada pa nadalje,ostat će,sve do kraja…